Hi Odhrán! In this context, “women from all over the world” makes sense because Rokia starts out specifically addressing certain women groups that are throughout the world up until that 0:59 point. Then, instead of continuing on in that way she simply addresses the collective: women from all over the world.
Mɔgɔ = People na = come cɛ = collect, gather musow = women yo = hello
Something to the effect of “Hey ladies! Let us ALL come together.” Hope this helps!
To clarify a bit, I think that the question that @OdhranMullan and I have is related to the expression “Mɔgɔ n’à cɛ ___” in a broader sense.
As Odhran showed, it is repeated with different nouns taking the spot of the blank.
First, we have (Note that I’ve used double parentheses around the part where we aren’t 100% sure, etc):
Ɛ musow yo! ((Mɔgɔ n’à cɛ musow yo!))
Oh women! ((Women of the world!))
And then later:
Ɛ cɛw yo! ((Mɔgɔ n’à cɛ cɛw yo!))
Oh men! ((Men of the world!))
From my perspective, the expression could be something that comes from:
mɔgɔ + ni + à + cɛ
people + and + its + cɛ
The question is what the cɛ is. It could be postposition cɛ (‘between’) which can sometimes means ‘relationship/relation’, but I think in this case, we might be looking at an idiomatic expression that lines up with the something like “____ all over the world” in English.
Haha, wow! It’s definitely that! I just went back to the track we were working on and like in so many other cases, it’s suddenly 100% clear! It’s French "monde entier musow/cɛw
Always amazing how sometimes your brain can define/limit what you think someone could possibly be singing or saying.
Good ear, Koro, and aw ni ce to you both, Christy!