Why does written Bambara include phonetic letters?

Hi, this is a great question.

If you think about it, the problem is not really the phonetic writing and special characters. French and almost every other language have their own letters that are not the standard 26 that we have in English. For example French has its accents and extra letters and people still write in its standard way. French and all of its symbols are also able to be written on phones.

The other thing is that we can actually write “ɛ, ɔ, ɲ and ŋ on standard smartphones and desktops”. There are keyboards from Google in the standard Latin-Bambara script as well as the N’ko one. For my computer, I use the app PolyglotKeyboard which allows me to write all the symbols, accents, and special letter any language in Latin writing would need (I use it for French and Bambara). I think @coleman made a post on his blog about this.

When it comes to artists misspelling words, one must remember that most Manding speakers were never taught in school how to write in their own language of Manding because their schools were in French. If they were taught to write in Manding, this would surely change.
I agree that it is hard to sometimes discern what someone is saying when they are trying to write Manding but with wrong spelling. All we can do about that is hope that native speakers can be educated in their own languages.

Thank you Boka,
Malik Diallo