Continuing the discussion from Why does written Bambara include phonetic letters? :
The other thing is that we can actually write “ɛ, ɔ, ɲ and ŋ on standard smartphones and desktops”. There are keyboards from Google in the standard Latin-Bambara script as well as the N’ko one. For my computer, I use the app PolyglotKeyboard which allows me to write all the symbols, accents, and special letter any language in Latin writing would need (I use it for French and Bambara). I think @coleman made a post on his blog about this.
Thank you, Malik!
I just found Coleman’s post (How to type in Bambara (with the "special letters") — An ka taa ) and it answered all my questions, except one
How can I write Latin-Bambara on iPhone? GBoard for iOS doesn’t have it, and the Polyglot App is $15. Not as if it would crack my budget, just wondering if I missed some free solution? I appreciate paying for services, but this keyboard setup is such a basic thing.
Thank yɔu,
K’an bɛn (Yes I managed to install Kɛyman’s Bambara on osx),
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Hi Boka! I don’t have an iPhone so hard me to troubleshoot or provide ideas. Someone on Twitter suggested the following ideas:
Let me know if either of those ends up working for you!
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Thank you very much Coleman, I succeeded with Keyman on iOS!!
It’s working!!
Great! I’ve updated the “How to type in Bambara” blog post accordingly
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