Manding Sound Correspondences

Below are some non-comprehensive tables laying out various Manding sound correspondences across the four major varieties.

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Initial Consonants

Maninka Jula Bambara Mandinka Examples
gb gw g k gbilin - gwili - girin - *kuli ‘heavy’
gb g w k gbolo - golo - wolo - kulu ‘leather’
k c c k - - - kee/kewo ‘man’
k k k k kuda - kura - kura - kuta-wo / kutoo ‘new’
l l d l la - la - da - laa ‘lay down’
loolu - looru - duuru - luulu ‘five’
t c c t - - - te ‘between’
w ŋ ŋ ŋ wonin - ŋɔni - ŋɔni - ŋaniŋ ‘thorn’
y y j y yiri - yiri - jiri - yiri ‘tree’

Intervocalic Consonants

Maninka Jula Bambara Mandinka Examples
g g mɔɔ - mɔgɔ - mɔgɔ - moo ‘person’
d r r t kɔdɔ - kɔrɔ - kɔrɔ - koto ‘old’
r l l r kara - kala - kala - kara ‘sew’


Maninka Jula Bambara Mandinka Examples
e e e i kelen - kelen - kelen - kilin ‘one’
ɛ ɛ ɛ e bɛrɛ - bɛlɛ - bɛlɛ - bere-wo / beroo ‘gravel; pebble’
o o o u bolo - bolo - bolo - bulu ‘arm’
ɔ ɔ ɔ o kɔdɔ - kɔrɔ - kɔrɔ - koto ‘under’
-a -a -a ɲa - ɲa - ɲɛ - ñaa ‘eye’


  • Bambara = standard Malian Bambara
  • Jula = standard Burkinabè Jula
  • Maninka = standard Guinean Maninka
  • Mandinka = standard Senegambian Mandinka

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