About the English missing category

Propose and edit English word or expression entries that do not appear in the English finder list of the AKT dictionary.

  • DO this category if you think there is an Engish word or expression that should appear in the dictionary

  • DO NOT use this category if you would like to offer an improvement/correction. (You can do that with the “Report a Mistake” form.)

  • The topic’s title should be the proposed English entry followed by pipe ( | ) and then a simple Manding language gloss. For example:

    Work | baara

  • The Manding should be written in standard orthography (that is, using the Latin extended letters [e.g., ɛ , ɔ , ɲ , and ŋ ]). (Here’s a link if you need help typing these characters on your keyboard.)

  • The title can but does not necessarily need to include tone markings.

  • If you’d like to improve a submission, feel free to edit it yourself instead of replying; every submission is an editable wiki.