- kɔ̀balón = Monday
- kɔ̀lón = Tuesday
- kúnunlon = Wednesday
- bílon = Thursday
- sìnilón = Friday
- kɛ́ndɛlon = Saturday
- kárilon = Sunday
Just curious: where and in what contexts are these names used? Are they endorsed by N’ko scholars?
In Bamako and Sikasso, I learned weekday names (ntenin/tarata/araba/alamisa/jouma) derived from Arabic. Weekend days were alternately “samedi” / “sibiri” (Saturday) and “dimanshi” / “kari” (Sunday).
I’m guessing that N’ko wants to promote names without such foreign origins.
They are used in N’ko texts and on N’ko radio broadcasts, etc.
I made this post as a reference for myself because I tend to forget them They always show up on Kanjamadi, for instance.
Yes, the Arabic (and for urban and younger people, French) loanwords are more frequent in the spoken language.
PS - Watch your spelling; it’s ntɛnɛ for Monday and juma for Friday.
You linguists and your %^&*# spelling!