Hello I wanted to share a few words I learned to abbreviate in texts. Some of it is slang in fact.
= Y’a foye (Il y a foyi); “No problem” (lit. ‘There is nothing’)Olkd
= O kelen do (O kelen don); literally, “That is one” but it often means “Yeah, that’s it, I agree”fpt
: Faux pas teyi (Faux pas tɛ yen); literally, “There’s no false step”, which basically means “okay”.
And then there are short words often used in SMS/text messsages:
= O don; That’s it / C’est ça / Yes / Right
I also learned that they will most likely write something like Tuma jumɛn? (‘Which time?’) this way:
Tuma jumai ? / Touma djumai ?
People just write the words as they sound so one person can write differently from another.
I will add a few more to the list whenever I find more.