About the Bambara/Jula <> English category

Discuss Bambara/Jula-English words, phrases and idioms: meaning, translation, usage.

How to use this category

  • Is your question about words or a specific turn of phrase?
    Yes? Then you are posting in the right place!

  • Is your question a request for translation or proofreading?
    Yes? Then you are in the wrong place. This forum focuses on specific questions about text. It is not a place for seeking free translations or proofreading. Discussion should center on the word or phrase in the thread title.

  • Look for the answer first.
    Search for words, expressions and idioms in the AKT dictionary (or Bamadaba or Malidaba ) or in this forum on your own before posting.

  • Use one thread for one question.

  • Write clear posts…

    • …when writing questions
      • The thread title should include the word or expression under discussion
      • Provide a complete sentence and the context of use
    • …when answering
      • Respond fully; no “bare” links to external pages that may disappear