Wow, a niche question about my tweets/videos – i ni ce!
The marker ߦߋ߫ ye is the typical optative/subjunctive marker used in N’ko writings. It is also the optative marker that is used in spoken in Maninka (and often in Côte d’Ivoire Jula).
It lines up with the optative/marker ka in Bambara.
In the holiday tweet therefore the Latin-based sentence and the N’ko-based sentence are equivalent but neither one is a one-to-one transcription of one into the other:
Ala ka san hɛɛrɛ caya! ߊߟߊ ߦߋ߫ ߛߊ߲߭ ߤߙߍ߫ ߛߦߊߦߊ߫
I think that should answer your questions, but I am not 100% sure what you are asking actually