Using the Forum (or another system) for Proverbs?

Nse! I ni ce, Coleman! You’re welcome! :slightly_smiling_face:

Oh! OK! YES!! :heart_eyes: A database of proverbs (and eventually a separate one of benedictions) that people could search would be GREAT! If you want to go ahead and start one for benedictions I’ll add some! :blush:

At the later part of the Peace Corps Mali Bambara language manual they actually give students the proverbs written in standard orthography and then tell them to go look for the meaning of the proverb and try to use it appropriately. Now I know that that mostly works if you’re in a Manding speaking area, o bɛɛ n’a ta, there are apps like “HelloTalk” that exist now.

One suggestion is to mention a language learning app like “HelloTalk” on your YouTube channel? That way students from anywhere can connect with native Manding speakers even if they’re not actually in those perspective areas. :slightly_smiling_face:

Suggested that to say that I think that’s one good way to help students learn to walk on their own. :slightly_smiling_face: And maybe it would, in turn, help alleviate some of the nitty gritty?

Otherwise, I think the way that you’ve initiated things thus far is absolutely fine! And the fact that such a place in a forum even exist!! The value of that alone is enough, even if you never categorize things Coleman.

Ala ka mɔgɔ ci i ma min bɛ se ka i dɛmɛ kosɛbɛ!

PS - For anyone interested, I’m on “HelloTalk”. I’m trying to improve my Bambara, so that I’ll be able to speak it fluently! I speak English, so if you’re a Bambara speaker and want to also communicate in English, you can “HelloTalk” me. :blush:

Invitation link: HelloTalk - Talk to the World

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