Cɛya minɛn vs ton

I think that it’s likely or often similar, but I think that tón may have a particularly strong connotation for some people (or in some areas) that could be slightly different from cɛya minɛn. The Bamadaba dictionary, for instance, speaks of a variety of meanings associated with war:

  • quiver
  • warrior’s knapsack

I primarily knew of ton as quiver, for instance, and hadn’t heard of the usage (“talisman bag”) that you offered in the proverb that you posted recently until I read it there.

The specific meaning or association with terms like this can vary widely in different Manding-speaking regions, and I imagine it might be the case here too.

Maybe you can formulate a more specific question could help others chime in with their sense of things?

Alternatively, you might want to look into various tales and epics to see when and where the different terms pop up :slight_smile:

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